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Your Newsletter

Ralston’s newsletter –  this newsletter, done directly by Ralston, only comes out three times a year 
It Includes:
  • Questions and Answers with Peter Ralston
  • News and Workshop Updates
  • Study Opportunities

Added Bonus

The Consciousness Weekly Newsletter

The Consciousness Weekly Newsletter will have one topic to contemplate during the week. It will include a short reading, and questions to contemplate during the week. The newsletter will come out every Monday. 

In Addition to the newsletter, there will be a Consciousness Weekly Video Session (Zoom call). It will last for approximately one to one and a half hours each week. Access to the session will be in the weekly newsletter. 


  • Exclusive access to over 12 hours of video in the Consciousness Weekly Archive
  • Readings on the weekly topic
  • Dialogue with a trained facilitator
  • Dyads
  • Weekly contemplation to take into life

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You can unsubscribe at any time, or contact us at Ralston@ChengHsin.com to change your information. We will not share your information.

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See What People Are Saying About Our Newsletter

Wow!  This is the first newsletter I have received from Cheng Hsin and I am blown away by the richness of it!

How did I discover you, Peter Ralston and your work….by the happy chance of hearing your name with reference to your book “The Book of Not Knowing” mentioned on a recent zoom non-duality Q and A given by Angelo Dilullo. I immediately purchased the kindle version of the book and which I am currently reading, contemplating and absorbing. And have now ordered the trilogy in hard copy. 

Thank you, I am so thrilled that you and your wisdom have come into my life.

Best wishes for the coming new year 2023!

Rowena Hutchison,
