Ending Suffering Workshop

(Fall Retreat)

Ralston has created a brand-new workshop. It is called, Ending Suffering (or ESW), and delivers powerful understandings that will change one’s life, eliminating all unnecessary suffering and allowing you to experience being a complete and whole person without defect or needing something you don’t have. 

Within this workshop, we create the experience of living life as a real and powerful activity, and not as a plethora of rather unbalanced and crazy, or at least unneeded, mental and emotional activities that in the end cause the vast majority of your suffering, as well as a sense that your person and life are somehow incomplete and not as they should be. 

It is a very powerful new workshop that really everyone should do. It will change the rest of your life in regards to all those things you do, often unconsciously, that create suffering in so many ways—feeling incomplete, dissatisfied, depressed, fretting, despair, disappointment, upset, unsettled, helpless, unloved, isolated, and on and on. If this sounds like something you’d like to take on, sign up for the Ending Suffering Workshop. 

Some of the goals to be achieved in this workshop:

  • Experience the difference between concept and experience
  • Learn to free yourself from the domain of mind that creates suffering
  • Develop a sense of being whole and complete as a person
  • Eliminate all unnecessary suffering (and the majority of it is unnecessary)
  • Learn and create the ability to control your experience absent of suffering 
  • Learn how to be happy and complete in the life you are living

The work becomes real out of your willingness to engage in a deeply honest level of questioning and communication.

We question not for an answer but to experience the truth.

If such an undertaking sounds appealing to you, I invite you to participate in the ESW workshop this fall.

Workshop Format:

The workshop will run from early morning until late at night. Sometimes you will be sitting for long periods before a break. As a participant, you will be listening to powerful communications by the facilitator and considering deeply what is presented.

In consciousness workshops there are:

  • Dialogues with the facilitator
  • Contemplation and communication with a partner
  • Guided meditations
  • Communication with the group
  • Solo contemplation
  • Readings, lectures, and numerous other exercises

Cheng Hsin consciousness work is INTENSE and demands your attention, energy, and commitment. The only other requirement is to be here.

If you’re up for a mind-blowing adventure, consider yourself invited to this powerful event.

It is difficult to convey the real scope and depth of this retreat. If you have any questions after reading this material, please feel free to Contact Us.