Consciousness Workshops

Transforming Your Experience of Life (Spring Retreat)

This workshop is about undertaking a shift in perspective that will change your fundamental experience of self and life. Our most common self-experience is based on a sense of separation that fails to produce the happiness that we seek, and always will. Since our experience of life is so closely related to our experience of each other, creating a new context for relating to others will transform our experience of self and life. Some of what we will work on: Transcend “Self Introversion” Become free of the closed loop of self-referencing perception Let go of existential assumptions of brokenness Immerse yourself in the truth about self and other Create a new Context for relating to others and life Increase your ability for real communication Reduce your sense of isolation and separation.

Sign Up: Send in the deposit early to register and secure the lowest price! Click the button below.

Insight and Enlightenment Workshop (Spring Retreat)

Contemplation Intensive meets Ontological Workshop. In this workshop, roughly half the time will be devoted to pure contemplation, primarily in the form of dyads with a partner (Contemplation and Communication Exercises). The other half will be exercises, guided meditations, talks, and dialogues given by Peter about subjects aligned with this contemplative effort. Such a two-fold approach both opens and grounds our work. Some of what will be addressed: Let go of unnecessary attachments Open up beyond mind Wonder: What is a body? Get to the source of your perceptions Look into your very “soul” Discover the illusions of self and life Undertake the koan of Now Transcend the separation conundrum Approach the Absolute.

Sign Up: Send the deposit early to register and secure the lowest price! Click the button below.

Communication and Relationship Workshop, Three Day Event (Fall Retreat)

Communication is essential to our ability to live in the world with others effectively. Yet, despite its critical role, most of us don’t know what communication is; or that much of what we call communication, isn’t.

It could be said that the quality of our lives and relationships is a direct result of our ability to communicate. This workshop isn’t about learning some handy techniques or just improving our current modes of relating. Instead, we’ll expand our understanding by delving deeply into the source of the miraculous possibility that is real communication.

Relationship: Rather than just learning to better manipulate others, we learn to empower relationships, particularly those whose purpose is some form of partnership, of working together toward life goals. This domain of relationship includes marriage, friendships, family, and so forth. We also deal with those interactions that incidentally support or conflict with life our goals – acquaintances, adversaries, and all those who constitute our social sphere.

Rather than assume that we know what relationship is or how best to communicate, we come at it freshly and study what these are. Through lecture, dialogue, and exercises, we look into what we currently believe and experience communication and relationship to be. By isolating the major blocks to effective communication, we can recognize to what degree we engage in ineffectively getting our ideas and feelings across to others.

Sign Up: Send the deposit early to register and secure the lowest price! Click the button below.

Experiencing the Nature of Being (Fall Retreat)

This workshop was designed by Peter as a concentrated experiential inquiry into the nature of Being.

Make no mistake about it, the aim is for you to have a direct experience of the nature of yourself and Being. Everyone is welcome to do this work.

Some essential considerations in the ontological work.

  • Investigating Mind
  • Uncovering the Roots of Emotion
  • Transcending Limitations
  • Awakening Insight
  • Expanding Perceptive Abilities
  • Becoming Powerfully Present
  • Discovering True Self-Awareness

Sign Up: Send the deposit early to register and secure the lowest price! Click the button below.

Transcending Self Workshop (Fall Retreat)

This new workshop goes deeply into the existential origins of the elements necessary to produce what you experience as the world in which you live—your experience of you, others, and life as you live it. In this workshop you will stretch far beyond anything humans have confronted or collectively understood heretofore..

Sign Up: Send the deposit early to register and secure the lowest price! Click the button below.

Contemplation Intensive (Fall Retreat)

A highly structured week of contemplating from dawn to late at night. This deep and focused questioning is an essential tool for increasing consciousness. Our main exercise is a diad where partners contemplate and then communicate to a non-judgmental, silent listening partner.

Sign Up: Send the deposit early to register and secure the lowest price! Click the button below.

The Retreat Space

This retreat will be held on a private 14 acre property. Breaks should be refreshing and relaxing. The schedule leaves some room for swimming and introspection as you reflect on the work and soak in the experiences of the day.

What’s Included:

The cost of the martial sections includes instruction, room and board, a huge space with good mats. For those with the courage to participate in the consciousness work, the cost includes room and board plus a guided tour of your own consciousness by one of the most riveting and focused teachers you will ever encounter.

The Center

Our center includes a 40×80 foot hall with kitchen, showers, sinks, and toilets. Participants will be housed in the building, or in large tent-cabins, and provided with a huge cot, foam, sleeping bag, pillow and lights. There is also a large swimming pool and hot tub.

Signing Up:

To secure the most inexpensive fee available, a non-refundable deposit is due far in advance. For exact dates and amounts go to the registration page for the workshop you want.