Transforming Your Experience of Relationship (The TER) is a great course on relationship. The focus here is on clarifying and transforming our experience of “partner” relationships. The emphasis is not so much on accomplishing desired results (as it is in the Principles of Effective Interaction Course,) but it instead deals with relationships whose purpose is some form of partnership while working together toward life goals.

So the domain of relationships which we focus on in this course includes marriage, friendships, and family, and also those relationships that incidentally support or conflict with life goals; that also includes acquaintances, adversaries, and all those who constitute your social sphere.

The purpose of the TER course is to pursue a clearer experience and understanding of the nature of relationship, as well as identifying what stands in the way of effective relating.

As the course builds, you will become more and more in touch with how you unconsciously approach relationships, clearing up personal assumptions and learning to recognize the cultural programs that we all relate from. As we progress, you will be empowered to create new ways of relating and new ways of thinking about relationship, thus transforming your experience of relationship.

Reading should include:

The Book of Not Knowing

You may also benefit from reading:

Reflections of Being

Ancient Wisdom, New Spirit

Duration: 1 Year